SteamPunk Hockey iPhone & iPod Touch promotion

25 promotional codes to give away for SteamPunk Hockey for iPod/iPhone!

iTunes Link

Celebrating the holiday with a new iPhone or iPod Touch courtesy of Santa or another similarly charmed creature? Claim your free promo code for the victorian answer to modern-day plasticky air hockey!
Retina Display, Game Center. Reviewed by MacWorld, featured ‘New and Noteworthy by Apple 02/2010 Games section.

To win a free copy of SteamPunk Hockey for iPhone & iPod Touch via promocode, do the following:

1. Tweet “celebrate #merrychristmas SteamPunk Hockey for #iPhone #iPod with a free promo code!! ”

2. Visit our FaceBook page, ‘like’ or comment (and watch the article on Alex Lifeson’s steampunk amps, courtesy of Youtube): SteamPunk Hockey Facebook page

3. PM or state your twitter and facebook handles here to receive your code.

There are still 15 codes available for the SPH iPad version: SteamPunk Hockey HD promocode contest

Warm wishes and Good Cheer!

-Rebel Detailer #1 XyrisKenn at SteamPunkHockeyopolis’ Central Planning

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