
FAQs and questions about SteamPunk Hockey.

For support questions, please contact our establishment via electronic mail. We will respond to your urgent message with all speed:

support (at) steampunkhockey (dot) com

Contact Steampunk Hockey support


5 Responses to Support

  1. Dear Kenneth Mayfield,
    Your “SteamPunk Hockey HD” app was included in our list of the best Air Hockey apps for iPad.
    You are free to use the content in any marketing material you choose.
    The article will be read by a few thousand of our readers but to keep the momentum going we recommend you do the following:
    Tweet the article to your Twitter followers.
    Post the article on Facebook.
    Place a link to the article in the press section of your website.
    Post the link on several social media sites like Digg, Stumpleupon, and Reddit. They work well in spreading the word.
    Submit a video through your profile on AppPicker.
    Here is link to the article
    The team

  2. CurliQue says:

    Please update this app! It was one of my favorites that purchased.

  3. K says:

    I was just thinking today how much I loved and miss this app. I would love to play it again, particularly the HD/iPad version. Is it possible it will be back?

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