Fans and Friends, we at Central Planning of SteamPunkHockeyopolis are proud to announce, at long last, an update to v1.6!
Our technicians have recrafted this exquisite yet simple game with the most modern of technologies, including:
* Retina Display support
* iOS4.2 compatibility
* Game Center support with LeaderBoards and 39 achievements
* New music courtesy of Morningdew Media
* Updated game frameworks including OpenFeint.
* Multiply button to increase/decrease number of particles.
* The Game Robot polls online leaderboards and updates your unlocked levels to match your highest score. If there are different scores on OpenFeint and Game Center, the highest will be saved to the device.
* New icon
Our artisans have re-crafted the backgrounds and images to be of lighter weight in the memory of the device, and scores are now saved after each level.
Those paying the bills at Central have apparently hit the festive ‘nog’ as they have ninja-slashed the price of SteamPunk Hockey 1.4 by 50% to celebrate this news. We think the pressure of waiting has driven a few screws loose over there.
The ponderous gentlemen at Logistics and Appearances insist we mention this is a maintenance update of the current game.
Our Futurists will have it known that new gameplay features are already in progress for the next update, and that it will have brought change to the calm streets of SteamPunkHockeyopolis.
Thank you and good tidings!
** update SteamPunk Hockey 1.6 with Retina Display and Game Center is now LIVE in the App Store **